Umuntu Ngumntu Ngabantu:

“I am because we are and we are because I am.”

This wisdom and view is the basis of our organization.

Ubuntu for Africa is a Germany based registered NGO. We accommodate our own projects and organize internships and volunteer services in Hout Bay (Cape Town, South Africa) and in Germany.

We aim to empower and enable children and single parents to lead a self-directed life.

Ubuntu for Africa is active in Hout Bay’s township Imizamo Yethu (IY) and focuses on three support streams:

Ubuntu Kids: in cooperation with Hout Bay primary school. Provides a safe and structured learning and growth environment to the children of Hout Bay primary School. These children are also in our aftercare program after school.

Ubuntu Family: our program to enable single parents to build a self-directed and self-financed life.

Ubuntu Community: supports activities and projects that contribute to learning and growth opportunities for children and youth in IY, and provides crisis assistance

You can support Ubuntu’s work by regular or one-time donation or voluntary service

Current Call for Donations: Ubuntu kids: New Home for our aftercare

Thank you – Dankeschoen – Enkosi – Ngiyabonga – Tatenda – Zikomo 

Anyone can help

Everything is welcome

Whether financial support or help on site, everything helps to improve the living conditions in Africa

Donate money

Donations in kind

Corona help

Voluntary service

Our projects

Here we help

To offer children and young people a perspective


One of our music projects

Here we produced a music video in our own sound studio

This is our board

With all their heart

With tireless commitment and full of passion, our team is on site every day for the needs of the children.

Pauline Schmiel

First Chairperson

Birgitta Latz

Second Chairperson

Sylke Funk

Third Chairperson